NOTE: As in past years, we ask that you continue to fill out and sign the Education Benefits Form. Forms are available in each of our building's offices and kitchens or online at icschools.us/departments/lunch program.
Completing the application provides information that is critical in determining the amount of money that our school receives from a variety of State and Federal supplemental programs like Title IA, At-Risk (31s), Title II A, etc. The funding helps support the following programs at Imlay City Schools:
-Staff and Student supplies and materials
-Counseling, Social Work, health services, etc.
-Professional Development to support student learning
-Parent and family engagement events and activities
-Before and after-school academic programs
We are asking that you please complete and submit the application as soon as possible to ensure that these funds continue to be available for our school as we strive to meet the needs of all our students and families. All information on the application submitted is confidential. Without your assistance in completing and returning this application, our school cannot maximize the use of available State and Federal funds. For any questions, please contact our Food Service Director, Roxanne Pierce, at [email protected] or call 810-724-9855.
Online Payment System
Imlay City Schools uses My School Bucks to provide families an opportunity to conveniently make deposits, view balances, and see the activity of their student’s lunch account(s). You may make deposits to your student’s account by using this online system. Visit My School Bucks directly at www.myschoolbucks.com or access it through the ‘Parents’ section of our website at www.icschools.us . The school district is also using this service for other school based deposits so please be sure to choose the correct option in the drop down menu in order to guarantee the money is deposited in the correct account. There is a $3.25 fee per transaction. You may place funds into more than one account within a single transaction in order to pay only one transaction fee. The Imlay City School district does not receive any portion of this transaction fee. The transaction fee is charged by My School Bucks and their processing company; Heartland, for using their service.