You are automatically a member of the Association if you graduated from,
attended, or taught in the Imlay City Schools. Voting members are those persons
who have paid annual dues or taken a life membership.
Let’s preserve our past and support our future

For a small fee you can become a member and part of one big
(Anyone who attended Imlay City Schools is welcome to join.)
Annual Dues are:
Individual -- $15
One-Time Life Membership:
Individual -- $150
Couple -- $200
(Life memberships are placed in the Imlay City Schools Alumni
Association Scholarship Fund.)
If you are interested in seeing your alumni association
continue please download the
Text Membership Form
and mail along with your check to:
Imlay City Alumni Association
c/o Kay Hendricksen, Treasurer
1827 Stoldt Avenue
Imlay City, Michigan 48444-1468
We thank you!