Reporting A Concern
Imlay City Schools personnel are committed to fostering a positive and productive relationship with students and families. We seek to listen to, understand, and appreciate them. When students or families have a complaint or concern related to school or school programs, they can be communicated directly to school personnel. Concerns received will be handled impartially, with fairness, and in accordance with 1.) District policy, 2.) student/parent handbook respective to building/grade/program, and 3.) the collective bargaining agreements relative to personnel involved in the concern/complaint.
We recognize that concerns are best addressed at the level/department at which they occur, and most successfully resolved by the individuals directly involved in the matter of concern. As such, students and parents should handle concerns in such a manner and address them directly with the individual(s) involved. If unresolved, or if the concerns are egregious or involve impropriety, students or parents should voice the concern directly to the Director or Principal to whom the individual reports (or by whom the program is sponsored). For example, a concern with a teacher should be first addressed to the teacher, unless the concerning behavior is egregious or involved impropriety. If so, the Dean of Students or Principal of the building in which the individual teaches should be contacted.
There may be times when students or families first voice concerns to a Director, building administrator, or central office personnel. Depending on the nature of the complaint or concern, it may be directed to the appropriate department, office, or responsible party.
The very best way to voice a concern or complaint is by phone or by email. The Imlay City Community Schools website ( has a staff directory tab on the main page. Names, phone numbers, and email addresses of all staff with regular, daily, access to a phone and computer are listed, and multiple search options are provided. Certain ICS personnel who do not have regular, daily, access to a phone and computer (typically bus drivers, maintenance, and non-instructional support staff members), are not linked in the staff directory. In such cases, students and families may direct concerns to the Director or school administrator(s) of the department in which the individual works, or to whom the program is sponsored.
As always, the central office secretaries can be contacted at 810-724-2765, and concerns can be properly redirected to the appropriate responsible party with ease.
Links to the staff and administrative directories can be found here: