Mr. DeClark

Hello My Name Is.

Tom DeClark

IC Schools

I am a Science 9/ Algebra 1/physics/Big Science teacher here at Imlay City High School.  I am the science department chair so if you have any questions on any science class feel free to ask.  This is my 31st year teaching, all here at Imlay City High School. I grew up in Warren and graduated from Warren Mott High School .  I then went to Central Michigan University and graduated with a  double major in Mathematics and Physical Science.  I received my Masters degree from Saginaw Valley in Education.  I have also taken 33 credits of post graduate classes.

Welcome to Imlay City High School! 

Go Spartans!

My Schedule:


1st hour :  Science 9  Google class code:  necccnc

       2nd hour: Prep

3rd hour :  Science 9  Google class code: necccnc

4th hour :  Science 9  Google class code: necccnc

5th hour :  Physics   Google class code: dbsfimc

        6th hour:  Big Science  Google class code: ttnclsz

        7th hour: Algebra 1  Google class code:  xpyutvp

My physics class will be taught this year doing the modeling physics method.

 I am very excited to do this with them.  I used this method the last 6 years and feel the students learned the topics at a deeper level.  Watch the video on the link in the physics folder to see what modeling is about.

Growing old is mandatory: growing up is optional