Reunion News

Note:  The next all-class reunion will be held in August of 2023

Upcoming Reunions --  TBA

Class of 2012 -- 
The ICHS Class of 2012 held their 10-year anniversary reunion on Friday, August 12, 2022 at IC Strikes Bowling Alley.  Great time seeing classmates again.

Shown above are:  Front -- Korey (Maliszewski) Redmond
First Row -- Morgan (Lee) Pfister, Jaclyn (VanDyk) Machiela, Tabita Gulino, Erica Zuhlke, Andrea Roberts, Raquel (Orduna) Scully.
Second Row -- Kyle Strohm, Anthony Zandi, Chris Schwartz, Jacklynn Patterson, Abbey Cohoon, Carley Kaikkonen, Emily (Evard) Miller, Taylor Pope, Autumn Blommer.
Third Row -- Matt Ostapowicz, Brenton Jaros, Tyler Michaels, Matthew Prosser, Jeffrey Ragle, Felicia (Sontag) Delong, Conner Kaikkonen, Jesse Webb, Steven Preisel, Allison (Parsch) Romine.
Back Row -- A. J. Caldwell, Kyle Miller, Matt VanDyk, Erin Hopkins, Ben Rodak, Doug Russell. 

Class of 1962
60th Anniversary Reunion, 2:00 p.m., Sunday, August 21, 2022 at the Pine House Restaurant (formerly Lenny Miller's), 5800 Dryden Road, Dryden, Michigan.

RSVP by August 10th to:  Paul Brinker (810) 664-2541 or [email protected] OR Becky Noriega (810) 334-7666 or [email protected]

The planners are looking for information on classmates:  Diane Buyack, Jack Cojanu, Heryl Duckwitz, James McLeish, Mary Penzien, Bill Sherman, James Weaver, and Carl Woodley.

The Class of 1965 met in August of 2015 and celebrated their 50th anniversary of graduation from ICHS.  Below are those in attendance.  They are:
 (Seated from left to right)  Janice Andersen Hart, Lorraine Stoldt Filer, Cherry Dodson Kildow, Linda Stern, Gail Schwan Anderson, Mary Bradburn McNamara, Pat Ryckman Ruby, Jackie Vincent Smith, Nancy Hillman Frazzini, Marlena Mignery Smithson.  (Standing from left to right) Pam Carlson Wilcox, Al Buckland, Dave Ewbank, John Sefcovic, Al Wright, Dick Vandenburg, Diane Robinet, Spencer Teller, Rick Bogart, Gary Weyer, Ray Kalisz, James Ostrander, Linda Hoeksema Flowers, Dave Sisson, Roger Benthem, John Reinbold, Jim Schiller, Lee Stryker, Sandy Blank Iloncai, Dave Lamphier.

50th Class Reunion

The ICHS Class of 1985
held their reunion on June 6, 2015, exactly 30 years to the day, at Louie's Tavern in Lapeer.  Shown below are those in attendance at this year's reunion.
2015 reunion 
(Left to Right) Back Row--Tom Schutz, Shirley (Keeley) Cook, Lonny Hill, Susie (Maldonado) Brinker, Bob Hempton, Kenny Paul, Scott Stone, Jessica (Gilmore) Gabbard, Mikal (Woodruff) Gibson, Carla (Tantanella) Zuhlke, Laura (Casey) Hartway, Alana (Hollenbeck) Brocker, Angie (McClure) Woidan, Alan Cowell.  Front Row -- Terry Wright, Shelly (Treash) Frantz, Shelly (Lacey) Saylers.  Not shown but in attendance Loren Tanis.

football field
Below is a photo of the 1985 graduation of the Class of 1985 which was held on the football field.

The ICHS Class of 1974 met on 26th 2014 to celebrate their 40th anniversary.  Pictured below are left to right:

Barb Schwan Twiss, Millie Hammond Blackstone, Nancy Coscarelli, Vickie Wheeler Reintjes, Tim Laarman, Donna Warren Huertas, Bob Bridges, Del Spencer, Sherry Timmer Middaugh, Jerry Seidell, Ellen West Cuny, Dennis Buike, Janet Fisk Blomberg, Howard Hoover, Karen Albrecht Revitzer, Bill Moak, Kay Irish Hennes, Bob Muir, Nancy Robinson Martilla, David Penzien, Dawn Hillman Moses, Leah Whitkopf Montroy, Kent Nettnay, and Calvin Dowling.

Class of 1974--1Class of 1974 members lead the float in the Blueberry Festival Parade.  Carrying the class banner below are left to right:  Barb Schwan Twiss, Kay Irish hennes, Ellen West Cuny, Tim Laarman, Jerry Seidell, Millie Hammond Blackstone, and Leah Whitkopf Montroy.

Class of 1974--2

The ICHS Class of 1964 met on July 25, 2014 to celebrate their 50-year anniversary.  Pictured below are left to right:

Front Row -- Kay (Martz) Hendrickson, Anne (Braidwood) Watt, Evelyn (Treadgold) Hoeksema, Carol (Priehs) Jager, Charlotte (Gass) Miller, Alice (Brinker) Boulan, Karen (Hoover) Ransaw.
Middle Row -- Brenda (Clark) Nagy, Karen (Grigg) Martinez, Mick Sharrard, Bob Watt, Gary Miller, Janette (Schalau) Dotson, Charlotte (Goodrich) White, Jim Siegler.
Back Row -- Warren VanPutten, Dawn (Geno) Covetz, Jim Gascho, Bob Makedonsky, Peter Norlin, Bill Schell, Tom Germayne, Gary Roy, Dick Bridenbaugh, Gerald Yacks, Gary Hoeksema, Dave Gibbard, Gary Stoldt.

Class of 1964

Class of 1963

50th Anniversary reunion of the Class of 1963 held on August 3, 2013.  Pictured above are (front) Janet Youngs Teltow, Rosemary Moore Scott, Susan Lengemann Filson, Linda Whitkopf Musselman, Kathy Delmore Wroblewski, Janet Szabo Nelson, Beverly Capes Draper, James King, (middle) Jim Fenslau, Ruth Ann Goodrich Prey, Diane Roth Adams, Carol Bogart Combs, Jean Lickley Hudson, Rosemarie Wolf Schumann, Vicki Vincent Thompson, Marlene Rathka Drake, Judy Meyer VanDenBerg, Cherril Gray, Rose Mary Ruby, Carole Woodworth Nelson, Jim King, (back) Reggie Powers, Nick Madeline, Tom Hall, Barry Schlicht, George Lang, Leo Baker, Melvin Greenwald, Graham Benoit, Mike Verran, Lesie Worden, Larry Clark.

Shown below -- The class of 1964 rides in the Blueberry Festival parade, escorted by the alumni association.
Ann Watt's Float Picture

The Classof 1961 celebrated their 50th anniversary on Saturday, August 6, 2011at the Countryside Banquet Center.  Shown above are those 1960 grads inattendance.

The Class of1991 celebrates their 20
th Anniversary at the Holly Meadows Golf Clubin Capac on Saturday, August 6, 2011.



2010Reunion Celebrations Include a Ride in the Blueberry Parade...



Members of the Classof 1959 Receive Golden Diplomas August 7, 2010


ShownAbove are Left to Right:
Front Row SeatedLeeDelannoy, Tom Herman, Lea (Delannoy) Lockwood, Sandra (Stover) Bradburn, Judy(Watkins) Payne, Alice (Penzien) Steckly, Marguerite (Cater) Morrone, BillSpencer. 

Middle Row SeatedMary Jo Maples, Carol (Dale) Gould, Shirley (Phillips) Wright, Ruth(Yntema) Cischke, Nacho Ramirez, Andy VanderPloeg, Kay (Snoddy) Schwartz,Kathryn (Treadgold) Konarski, Judy (Smith) Watz. 

Back Row StandingKenneth Stephens, Tony Castillo, MikeShayna, Tom Dwyer, Ismael Rosas, Reese Kittle, Sue (Tanis) Romine, Ralph Clark.

Members of the Classof 1960 Receive Golden Diplomas August 7, 2010


ShownAbove are Left to Right:
Front Row Seated
– Carolyn (Dean) Balko, Gary Tong, Hoyt Showler, LarryKennel, Dean Goodrich 

Middle Row Seated – Kenny Smith,Elizabeth Homer, Barbara (Badder) Mathews, Janet (Warner) Stout, Charlene(Weemaes) Klug, Dave Smith, Ruth Ann (Brinker) Thibodeau, Steve Balabon. 

Back Row Standing – Tom Bradburn,John Stapleton, Shirley (Swailes) McKillop, Margaret (Skeberdis) Gettel, GaryTeal, Reese Kittle.

ICHSClass of 1959 Celebrates 50 Years!
Shown below are class members riding their float in the Blueberry Festivalparade and escorted by the Alumni Association


ICHSClass of 1969 Renews Old Friendships
at Their 40th Anniversary Celebration

Shown below left to right are….

Glenn Dean, Paul McCorry, Marlene (Lee) Bruns, David Brown, Carold (Stoldt)Winslow, Paul Dungey, Connie (Timmer) Dungey, Wally Northrop, John Burger, TomVanPutten, Marilyn (Stoldt) Schlau, Sue (Wilcox) Etherton-Frans, Kathy (Sills)Weber, Les Timmer, Crystal (Cowell) Timmer, Mike Chrivia, Linda (McLeish) Webb
Sharon (Ryckman) Jones, Sue (Dodson) Belcher, Nancy (Stryker) Schiller, Janis(Weaver) Duke, Nancy (Godo), Myrna (Schumacker) Roiser, Judy (Cornell) Thomas

ICHSClass of 1984 Renews Old Friendships at Their 25th AnniversaryCelebration

(Members Attending are ShownAbove)

ICHSClass of 1999 Holds Their 10th Anniversary Celebration 

Above Left to Right
Back Row: 
Meghan (Betka) Boss,Christy (Parsch) Conn, Stefanie (Murray) Bruce, Sara (Bissett) Hoell, Kari(Nelson) Kuchenmiester, Ana Martinez, Laura Plunkitt, Leticia Armstrong, Sasha(Hutchins) VanderPloeg, Rachel Roszczewski, Darby VanAntwerp, Sarah (Krajenta)Sugg, Brian Sills.
Front Row:  Beth Reinbold,Ayako Yamasaki, Shana (Sinn) Baril, David Jewell, Nichole (Fritch) Weingartz.

The Class of 1985 held their 20th reunion in July of 2005. Plans are underway for the 25th in August of 2010. 

Shown in 2005 photo are:
Front Row
: Chris Bosch, Suzi Maldonado Brinker, Shirley Keeley Cook 

Second Row: Mary Finton Ferris, Laurie Beach Barry, Alana Hollenbeck Brocker, CarlaTantanella Zuhlke, Julie Brinker Timmer, Suzette Merwin Robinson, BethSlingerland Sullivan, Trisa Mainville Kujawa, Julie Weingartz Mullens, BobHempton, Tom Schutz 

Back Row: Brian Hill, Lonny Hill, Evert South, Anthony Pratt, Mike Aitken, BillO’Dell, Unidentified, Unidentified, Bryan Stover, Keith Hagemeister




The Class of 1978 Celebrates their30th anniversary at the all-class reunion held on Saturday, August 2, 2008.

Classmates shown above are:  Back Row (left to right) MikeRankin, Chris Touchette, Roger Johnson, Steve Godo, Joe Ramirez, ChrisRobberstad.  Front Row (left to right) Paul Iloncai, Patty (Schutz) Jackson,Larry Ferrett, Marcia (Rankens) Anderson, Gayle (Hollenbeck) Vandercook, LynetteVanderPloeg, Laurie (Jessop) Greenwald, Sharon (Smith) Schmalz, Jan (Bruce)Thompson, Rick Romine, Peggy Mauk, Nancy (Jurn) Parsch, George Botello, Mary(Brewer) Workman

And aGreat Time Was Had By All………following are photos of some of the 2007 reunions.

Members of the Class of 1997 pictured below in attendance for the 10-year reunionheld on August 11 are:

(Left to Right)

Hilary (Soule)Jacobsen, Julie (Treash) Couzens, Rob Balsis, Kim (Kramek) Balsis, Jeff Schutz,Jeff Tredeau, Tamara (Bruss) Mills, Gene Pittenger, Stephanie (Famularo) Guerin,Dan Shevnock, Raechel Butterworth, Reggie Madeline, Nicole Baker, Nate Smith,Jason Bolduc, Amy Fultz, Jessica Kaarlela, Alex Hummel, and Jennifer Edwards.

Members of the Class of 1982at their 25th year reunion, August 2007.  More photos are

Pictured from left to right are Ed Brown, Dane Fox, Amy (Thomas) Lee, KevinRoss, Charles Giles, Sue (Harding) Sarters, Lisa (Rohmer) Jessop, Linda(Mattson) Forrest, Dave Forrest, Margaret (Conley) Bopra, Michelle Mott, Chris (Rumery)Babcock, Dennis Cischke, Lynn (Weinmann) Swain, Mike Louwsma, Mike Guerrero,Todd Christner, Steve Jessop, Matt Smith, Mike Karinen, Carol (Teal) Christner,Carla (Deming) Jepsen, and Debbie (Smith) Reker.

Membersof theClass of 1976 in attendance at their31-year reunion on August 11, 2007.

Pictured Front Row, Left to Right

Marty Osborne, Sandra (Ettema) Johnson, Karen Moore, Janice (Hess) Young,Darrell Dick, Elementary Teacher Mary Lou Bissett, Tamera (Cook) Balk, Vonda(Halstead) Zuhlke, Donna (Bickmann) Schweiger, Kim Watz.

Back Row, Left to Right

RandyEttema, Lori (Makedonsky) Caughel, Dave Showler, Lori (Brandt) Zaracki, TimRobinson, Delores (Sanchez) Rhodes, Rachel (Garcia) Whetstone, Colleen (Charbeneau)Wildner, Karen (Preisel) Drake, Bill Wildner, Ginger Seeley, Lynn Walton, CherylCampbell, Laurie (Timmer) Williams, Gary Walton, Colleen (Coenen) Rider,Michelle (Super) Schutz, Jeff Schutz, Cindy (Fulton) Bilinsky.

Members of the Class of 1977in attendance at their 30-year reunion on August 11, 2007.

Pictured Front Row Seated, Left to Right

Craig Arnold, Lenny VanDerPloeg, Jeff Muxlow, Brad Snyder, John Manes, EdHerbert.

Second Row Seated, Left to Right

Mike Radelt, Amy (Tietz) Showler, Brenda (Bissett) Thurlow, Linda (Czelada)Homer, Elementary Teacher Mary Lou Bissett, Vickie Upleger, Kathy (Smith)Hartwell, Karen (McKillop) Kline, Richard Cowell, Dale Langley.

Third Row Standing, Left to Right

Karen (Clarkson) Downey, Dawn (Donovan) Pardon, Dale Eathorne, Cindy (Timmer)Tiemayer, Delma (Dick) Robbberstad, Michele (Cooke) Stine, Duane Penzien, Judy(Hill) Roszczewski, Debbie (Delannoy) Cook, Denise (Price) Leonard.
Back RowStanding, Left to Right
David Pistrui, Cathy (Fulton) Clark, Mike Secord, Vince McDermott, ChuckStroman, Rob Rider, Bill Vandercook, Ken (Swihart) Hart, Marlin Fisk, MattSiegler, Jeff Rankens.

Members of theClass of 1987in attendance at their 31-year reunion on August 11, 2007.
Left to Right

Mr. & Mrs. Mori (Amy Simunic), Mr. andMrs. Tim Cohoon, Ben Sanchez.

Left to Right

Chris (Shevnock) Whitehead, Lucy Nettles,Dawn (Paul) Gontko, Shari (Alexander) Ruesink.

Left to Right

Michelle (Herman) Wagner, Melisa(Hollenbeck) Clatterbaugh, Dennis & Diane Franey.

Back Row Standing, Left to Right

Tine (Racine)Thomas, John Kammerer, Shari (Alexander) Ruesink, Doug Lowe, Lucy Nettles, TimCohoon.

Members of theClass of 1957in attendance at their 50-year reunion on August 4, 2007 are left to right:

Front Row

Austin Stroman, Muriel(Clarkston) Maxfield, Dawson Whitkopf, Reva (Hoeksema) Horst.

Second Row
Dan Finton, JerryGreenman, Barb (Dean) Mauk, Kathy (Zuhlke) Doyle, Jerry Watz
Back Row

Jack Hoeksema, John Mulder, Lee Lucas, Marilyn (Swailes) Swihart,Carol (Pizzimenti) Schaeffer, Larry Best, Mary (McLean) Tietz, Stan Stover,Betty (Harris) Eltezam, Don Rowley, Vic Walker, Carol (Henry) Sweet, RichardDay, Wilma (Elling) Van Dyk, Larry Brandt, Don Bicknell, Don Sweet

Members of the Classof 1949 in attendance at their reunion on September 22,2007 are left to right:
James Weiss, Eleanor (Yntema) Walker, Nancy (Jahn) Lee, Eva(Upleger) Teal, Richard Irish, Virginia (Simons) Touchette, Al Jager, BruceReside, Art Shaw, Richard Walker


'True terror is towake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running thecountry.'
