Imlay City Tuition Preschool
Mrs. Meyers and Mrs. Ortega, AM/PM Tuition Preschool Lead & Associate Teacher
Direct Phone Number: (810)721-9275
As a convenience to families, child care fees and tuition preschool payments can be paid online at or by downloading the MySchoolBucks app.
How to Pay with My School Bucks
In order to make a payment using My School Bucks, you will first choose Imlay City Community Schools. It asks you which school your child your child attends, please see below:
If your child attends:
Choose the school:
Childcare only
GSRP or Tuition Preschool
Early Childhood
Head Start
Head Start
In order to pay for childcare, latchkey or preschool, you need to look for the school store. If using the MSB app, the store is located at the bottom of the screen. If using a computer, the store is located in the top right portion of the screen. Once you are in the school store you click on what you are wanting to pay for and follow the prompts.
If you have questions regarding this payment option or billing, please contact Dawn Katkic: (810) 721-9494 or [email protected]
Tax ID # 38-6002213 School ID # 44060