Welcome to All STARS, an intervention program supporting students in first and second grades to develop strong reading skills. All STARS is a 30-week, extended-day program that runs Monday to Thursday each week. Children in the All STARS program arrive early for their school day to receive small group and individualized reading instruction. The program focuses on phonemic awareness, phonics skills, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension according to each child's needs. The goal of All STARS is to provide children with the proper tools and skills to become successful readers and confident individuals. Transportation and breakfast are provided to our All STARS at no charge.

Daily Schedule

7:30 a.m.                      Students arrive at school
7:30-7:45 a.m.             Whole group warm up
7:45-8:30 a.m.             Small group or individual instruction
8:30-8:50 a.m.             Breakfast

Frequently Asked Questions about All STARS

  • What does All STARS stand for? All STARS stands for "Striving to Assist Readers Successfully."
  • Will my child receive breakfast? Breakfast is available at 8:30 a.m. for children in the All STARS and is free of charge.
  • Is this too long of a day for my child? Many parents are concerned that the additional time spent in the learning environment will make the day too long for their child. Most children adjust well to the schedule, and research suggests that children are at their most attentive state in the morning. By holding this program in the morning, we also can ensure that children do not miss core instruction delivered during the school day.
  • Will transportation be provided? Yes, bussing to All STARS is provided.
  • Why should I choose this program for my child? Your child will gain confidence as a reader and individual, which will enable him or her to become an All STAR student!

For more information about All STARS, please contact teacher Cathy Vargo-Filer at (810) 721-9478 or email your questions to